
Archive for the ‘Daddy/Big Brother’ Category

Name: Salty.
Type: Big Brother.
Year: Year 5 (1986-1987). Re-released in Year 6.
Pose: Tex Pose (1986).
Color: Dark blue body, lavender hair with a pink strip, yellow eyes.
Symbol: A pink and white ship and three white waves. He came with a green bandana and a white sailor hat.

The Big Brother ponies are larger than other ponies, and they have shaggy hooves. They were introduced in Year 5, and were the first male My Little Ponies. They are all earth ponies. Each Big Brother pony has two colors in his mane and one in his tail, like early unicorn ponies had. Source: http://www.ponylandpress.com

My Salty is missing his hat.

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For my birthday this summer, I got a few ponies from a friend, ponies that she had as a little girl. Daddy (and mommy and baby) Bright Bouquet from 1988 was one of them, he is very welcome in my collection. He had a lot of stains and marks on him and tangled hair, so he definitely deserved a makeover :)

A dirty and messy Daddy Bright Bouquet.

Ooh, do do do do do do do  Car wash, car wash ♫ Ooh, do do do do do do do ♫ 

First, a nice and good wash with a sponge and shampoo – both hair and body.
He also need a round of conditioner in his hair to make it smooth and shiny.

Using a soft toothbrush and toothpaste may help to remove stains and marks. Be careful around eyes and symbols! Daddy had several marks and stains, including one on his head that needed to be worked with.

Aahh.. Drying off and cuddling up in a clean towel :)
The stains, including the one on his head, are gone.

Combing his hair. Out and away with the mess.

To make his hair fall nicely, I turn his mane around the neck and his tail around his foot…

… and fold paper around to keep the hair into place until it has dried.

All done. Look at this handsome Daddy Bright Bouquet!

Other makeovers:
Locket’s hair makeover
Seashell’s makeover

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For my birthday last week, I got some ponies from a friend, ponies that she had as a little girl. They were in quite bad shape, but it meant a lot to me that I got them from her.

One of them were Daddy Apple Delight. I gave him a good wash, but I didn’t have a toothbrush to get rid of all the stains, so I’ll try to gently remove them later. But still, there’s a big change, and I look forward to clean the other ponies as well.

The tip of his tail is quite frizzy, even after I used conditioner. I’ve heard about different techniques such as hot iron, hairstraightener and boiling water, but I have never tried any of them, I’m afraid I’ll harm the hair. If anyone has experience with this, I appreciate any hints and tips :)

Name: Daddy Apple Delight
Type: Male earth pony/Loving Family Pony
Year: Year 7 (1988-1989)
Pose: Quarterback Pose (1987)
Color: White body, yellow hair and lavender eyes
Symbol: Green trees with yellow trunks, and yellow dots in groups of four

Daddy Apple Delight is part of the Apple Delight Family, and came with Mommy Apple Delight and Baby Apple Delight. The Loving Family Ponies came in family sets which consisted of a mommy pony, a daddy pony, and a baby pony (in the UK, each Loving Family pony was sold separately).

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